STAFF PHOTO BEN GOFF Josh Poulos, Springdale High third baseman, fields a ground ball Tuesday during Game 1 of the doubleheader against Bentonville at Bentonville's Tiger Athletic Complex.
STAFF PHOTO BEN GOFF Josh Poulos, Springdale High third baseman, fields a ground ball Tuesday during
STAFF PHOTO BEN GOFF Will Jibas, Bentonville third baseman, fields a ground ball Tuesday during Game
STAFF PHOTO BEN GOFF Will Jibas, Bentonville third baseman, fields a ground ball Tuesday during Game 1 of the doubleheader against Springdale at Bentonville's Tiger Athletic Complex.
STAFF PHOTO BEN GOFF Will Jibas, Bentonville third baseman, fields a ground ball Tuesday during Game
STAFF PHOTO BEN GOFF Will Jibas, Bentonville third baseman, fields a ground ball Tuesday during Game 1 of the doubleheader against Springdale at Bentonville's Tiger Athletic Complex.
STAFF PHOTO BEN GOFF Troy Cahill, Bentonville runner, slides in safe at third Tuesay as Springdale t
STAFF PHOTO BEN GOFF Troy Cahill, Bentonville runner, slides in safe at third Tuesay as Springdale third baseman Josh Poulos receives a throw during Game 1 of the doubleheader at Bentonville.
STAFF PHOTO BEN GOFF Josh Poulos, Springdale High third baseman, fields a ground ball Tuesday during
STAFF PHOTO BEN GOFF Josh Poulos, Springdale High third baseman, fields a ground ball Tuesday during Game 1 of the doubleheader against Bentonville at Bentonville's Tiger Athletic Complex.
STAFF PHOTO ANDY SHUPE Virgil Blackmon of West Fork votes Tuesday in a special election to decide th
STAFF PHOTO ANDY SHUPE Virgil Blackmon of West Fork votes Tuesday in a special election to decide the mayor of West Fork at the Frank Wenzel Community Center.
STAFF PHOTO ANDY SHUPE Mitch McCorkle, longtime fire chief for West Fork, and his wife, Henryetta, v
STAFF PHOTO ANDY SHUPE Mitch McCorkle, longtime fire chief for West Fork, and his wife, Henryetta, vote Tuesday in a special election to decide the mayor of West Fork at The Frank Wenzel Community Center.
STAFF PHOTO JASON IVESTER Emma Kinsey of Bentonville tosses the ball to first for an out against Rog
STAFF PHOTO JASON IVESTER Emma Kinsey of Bentonville tosses the ball to first for an out against Rogers Heritage on Tuesday at Bentonville.
STAFF PHOTO JASON IVESTER Mika Polumbo of Rogers Heritage fields a line drive against Bentonville on
STAFF PHOTO JASON IVESTER Mika Polumbo of Rogers Heritage fields a line drive against Bentonville on Tuesday at Bentonville.
STAFF PHOTO JASON IVESTER Bentonville's Faith Vickers slides into home Tuesday for a run ahead of th
STAFF PHOTO JASON IVESTER Bentonville's Faith Vickers slides into home Tuesday for a run ahead of the tag attempt by Rogers Heritage catcher Abigail Newton in the fourth inning at Bentonville.
STAFF PHOTO JASON IVESTER Emma Kinsey of Bentonville tosses the ball to first for an out against Rog
STAFF PHOTO JASON IVESTER Emma Kinsey of Bentonville tosses the ball to first for an out against Rogers Heritage on Tuesday at Bentonville.
STAFF PHOTO JASON IVESTER Bentonville's Faith Vickers slides into home Tuesday for a run ahead of th
STAFF PHOTO JASON IVESTER Bentonville's Faith Vickers slides into home Tuesday for a run ahead of the tag attempt by Rogers Heritage catcher Abigail Newton in the fourth inning at Bentonville.
STAFF PHOTO DAVID GOTTSCHALK An Arkansas & Missouri Railroad employee inspect the derailed cars and
STAFF PHOTO DAVID GOTTSCHALK An Arkansas & Missouri Railroad employee inspect the derailed cars and track in Garfield.
STAFF PHOTO DAVID GOTTSCHALK Arkansas & Missouri Railroad employees inspect the derailed cars and tr
STAFF PHOTO DAVID GOTTSCHALK Arkansas & Missouri Railroad employees inspect the derailed cars and track Tuesday following a derailment near Roberts Loop in Garfield. No injuries were reported from the incident.
COURTESY ILLUSTRATION This is an architect’s drawing of what the Whole Foods Market proposed for F
COURTESY ILLUSTRATION This is an architect’s drawing of what the Whole Foods Market proposed for Fayetteville will look like.
Morrissa Ann Jackson
Morrissa Ann Jackson
Kristinlin Bayler
Kristinlin Bayler
Maria Guadalupe Serrano
Maria Guadalupe Serrano