Photo by File photos by The Sentinel-Record and Arkansas Online
Gubernatorial candidates Mike Ross (left), Democrat, and Asa Hutchinson (right), Republican.
A map of land transactions in the Mount Kessler sale.
The trail has its ups and downs along the 3-mile route.
The park offers solitude among beautiful forests and water.
Hikers walk along a stream at Big Sugar Creek State Park near Pineville, Mo.
Much of the forest at Big Sugar Creek State Park is more open and savannah-like than other Ozark for
Hikers cross a small stream numerous times on the hike.
HIkers gather at the trailhead to start the walk.
Getting there is half the fun of a visit to Big Sugar Creek State Park. Big Sugar Creek Road follows
Hikers cross a small creek during a 3-mile hike at Big Sugar Creek State Park near Pineville, Mo.
STAFF PHOTOS SAMANTHA BAKER • @NWASAMANTHA Ethan Negley, 7, right, laughs and May Negley, 7, lea
STAFF PHOTO FLIP PUTTHOFF Ashley Sayers with the Rogers Historical Museum explains the role of rai
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/RYAN McGEENEY Logan County Justice of the Peace Michael Schluterman (cen
FILE PHOTO Santania, an Indian leopard, paces inside of her habitat at Turpentine Creek Wildlife R
STAFF PHOTO ANDY SHUPE Brooke Schultz, a former Ramay Junior High student in Fayetteville, who is
FILE PHOTO FLIP PUTTHOFF Chuck Maxwell, left, with the Ozark Off-Road Cyclists, leads a tour Oct. 4,
FILE PHOTO ANDY SHUPE Residents fill the City Council chambers Feb. 18 during a City Council meeting