STAFF PHOTO ANTHONY REYES Capt. Mike Peters, with the Springdale Police Department, right, tells Patrolman Kyle Nash, how to turn on an electric Polaris Ranger off-road vehicle March 13 at the Springdale Police Department’s garage. The city is looking at buying small vehicles for use on the trails and have been looking at several models including the electric and a gas-powered Polaris.
STAFF PHOTO ANTHONY REYES Capt. Mike Peters, with the Springdale Police Department, right, tells Pat
STAFF PHOTO ANTHONY REYES Cpl. Jared Pena, checks out the bed of an electric Polaris Ranger off-road
STAFF PHOTO ANTHONY REYES Cpl. Jared Pena, checks out the bed of an electric Polaris Ranger off-road vehicle March 13 at the Springdale Police Department in Springdale. The city is looking at buying small vehicles for use on trails.
A screenshot of an interactive panorama showing growth in Rogers.
A screenshot of an interactive panorama showing growth in Rogers.
STAFF PHOTOS SAMANTHA BAKER • @NWASAMANTHA William Aguilar, left, and Josh Erickson, grounds cre
STAFF PHOTOS SAMANTHA BAKER • @NWASAMANTHA William Aguilar, left, and Josh Erickson, grounds crewmen, add mulch to plant habitats with a blower Friday at Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville. The mulch gives some insulation to root systems in the event of an unexpected freeze. The museum crews replaces the mulch once a year.
STAFF PHOTO BEN GOFF Lena Lewis, (above) left, and Crystal Featherstone, both Bentonville Garden C
STAFF PHOTO BEN GOFF Lena Lewis, (above) left, and Crystal Featherstone, both Bentonville Garden Club members, pick up loblolly pine seedlings Tuesday to plant at home after the club’s annual Arbor Day meeting at Bentonville Church of Christ.
STAFF PHOTO JASON IVESTER Ariah Schrik, 6, of Rogers, works on a lei Tuesday along with her aunt,
STAFF PHOTO JASON IVESTER Ariah Schrik, 6, of Rogers, works on a lei Tuesday along with her aunt, Amy Helmich at the Rogers Public Library. As part of spring break activities, the library hosted a drop-in craft time for visitors to create the leis and spring pictures.
FILE PHOTO Runners take off for the 2013 Hogeye Marathon and Relay event. Runners will complete th
FILE PHOTO Runners take off for the 2013 Hogeye Marathon and Relay event. Runners will complete this year’s race on Sunday.
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/RYAN MCGEENEY John Bailey (from left), head of the Arkansas Department o
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/RYAN MCGEENEY John Bailey (from left), head of the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality’s water division permits branch, discusses technical aspects of the nutrient management plan designed by C&H Hog Farms in Mount Judea with Gordon Watkins of Parthenon and Dane Shumacher of Huntsville on Monday night in the Jasper Public Schools cafetorium. The department held a public hearing for a proposed modification to the permit.
STAFF PHOTO DAVID GOTTSCHALK Cars are parked backed-in at an angle Tuesday on Block Avenue in Fayett
STAFF PHOTO DAVID GOTTSCHALK Cars are parked backed-in at an angle Tuesday on Block Avenue in Fayetteville.
STAFF PHOTO DAVID GOTTSCHALK Cars are parked backed-in and at an angle Tuesday on Block Avenue in Fa
STAFF PHOTO DAVID GOTTSCHALK Cars are parked backed-in and at an angle Tuesday on Block Avenue in Fayetteville. The City Council’s Transportation Committee considered two options for eliminating the back-in parking on Block Avenue that exists between Dickson and and Spring streets.
Van Stone
Van Stone
Julia Rice
Julia Rice
Paul Hines
Paul Hines
Special To NWA Media JBU Sports Information Sierra Shipley, John Brown guard, defends against an Okl
Special To NWA Media JBU Sports Information Sierra Shipley, John Brown guard, defends against an Oklahoma City ball handler during Monday’s NAIA National Tournament Fab Four game at FRANKFORT, Ky. JBU lost 67-65 .
Special To NWA Media JBU Sports Information Sierra Shipley, John Brown guard, defends against an Okl
Special To NWA Media JBU Sports Information Sierra Shipley, John Brown guard, defends against an Oklahoma City ball handler during Monday’s NAIA National Tournament Fab Four game at FRANKFORT, Ky. JBU lost 67-65 .
STAFF PHOTO ANTHONY REYES Logan Nielsen of Fayetteville averaged above 200 per game, was the top bow
STAFF PHOTO ANTHONY REYES Logan Nielsen of Fayetteville averaged above 200 per game, was the top bowler on the Fayetteville team and also the top in the 7A-West Conference. Nielsen is the NWA Media Boys Bowler of the Year.
STAFF PHOTO ANTHONY REYES Logan Nielsen of Fayetteville averaged above 200 per game, was the top bow
STAFF PHOTO ANTHONY REYES Logan Nielsen of Fayetteville averaged above 200 per game, was the top bowler on the Fayetteville team and also the top in the 7A-West Conference. Nielsen is the NWA Media Boys Bowler of the Year.
In this courtroom sketch, Osama bin Laden's son-in-law Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, right, testifies at his
Photo by AP Photo/Elizabeth Williams
In this courtroom sketch, Osama bin Laden's son-in-law Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, right, testifies at his trial Wednesday, March 19, 2014, in New York, on charges he conspired to kill Americans and aid al-Qaida as a spokesman for the terrorist group. Listening to testimony are Judge Lewis Kaplan, center, and defense attorney Stanley Cohen, at podium. In his surprise testimony, Abu Ghaith recounted the night of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, when the al-Qaida leader sent a messenger to drive him into a mountainous area for a meeting inside a cave in Afghanistan. "Did you learn what happened? We are the ones who did it," Abu Ghaith, recalled bin Laden telling him.
Frank Gilbert, Libertarian
Photo by
Frank Gilbert, Libertarian